Pregnancy &
Infant Loss
Welcome To Our
Loving, Like Minded & Supportive Community

Welcome to the Silent Footprints Foundation.
A place of support for those who have suffered from pregnancy loss at any stage including miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, medical termination and infant loss. We offer a range of support including memory boxes, mental health links, coping strategies, befriending, a memory tree where messages for lost loved ones can be left, a small library of self help books and a range of angel memorabilia and jewellery for sale.
(All money raised from the sale of memorabilia helps fund our monthly peer support groups.)

West Cumbria
Last Monday Of Every Month
(Except bank holiday)
In partnership with
Senhouse Centre, Senhouse Street
Whitehaven, CA28 7ES
North Cumbria
Second Wednesday Of Every Month
In partnership with
1 Victoria Place, Carlisle, CA1 1EJ
